Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring Teen Ceramics Class Firing

Though I fired the class kiln about 2 weeks ago, it took me awhile to find the time to write up the blog with all the other things going on (making my own work, shows, etc). Well, the kiln gods were smiling on us during the firing - it was a very smooth cone 10 stoneware firing with good reduction all around. To the left is the kiln stack after cracking the kiln. It's a little loosely stacked, but you can't always have the most dense packing as students don't think about kiln stacking while they are creating their work.

We had some gorgeous reds, midnight blues and even rutile blues that turned baby blue/purple! Everyone was really pleased with their work - and they should be - they are all so talented!. (See our website for some individual photos - one photo from each student representing their best work.)

By the end of the 6-week session everyone's throwing improved quit a bit and we even got some small jars, bowls and pitchers that are functional!. It was a lot of fun teaching this age group - they are willing to try things, capable of doing so much independently and really focus well.

A selection of work after it was unloaded from the kiln. The large 10" vases and the large planter took an entire 2-hour class period to build.

A great class and a lot of fun!

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